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Periodontics (Gum Health Science)

What is Curettage?
As a result of advanced and untreated gum inflammation, pathological, unhealthy spaces are formed between the soft tissue surrounding the tooth and the tooth, and these spaces are quite suitable for the accumulation of food residue and microorganisms. With the accumulation of microorganisms and nutrients, the soft tissue inflammation increases and becomes a situation that the patient cannot clean on his own. In such cases, the inflamed soft tissue and necrotic structures on the hard tissue of the tooth are cleaned under local anesthesia with special hand tools. This procedure is called curettage.

In patients who undergo curettage treatment, the appearance of gum recession, the formation of black triangular areas between the teeth and some mobility in the teeth are examples of natural conditions seen after the treatment process.

What are the harms of gum recession?
As a result of gum recession, the root surfaces are exposed, causing sensitivity in the teeth and an unaesthetic appearance. In advanced cases, mobility in the teeth and tooth loss can be seen due to the decrease in the tooth support structures.

Is there a treatment for gum recession?
In cases of gum recession, the treatment method is determined by the extent of the recession and the amount and health of the remaining tissue around the tooth. If the case is suitable, the exposed surfaces can be successfully repaired with flap surgeries and/or soft tissue grafting methods.


Why is gum health important?

In general, the entirety of the soft tissues surrounding the teeth is called gums. The gums are connected to the teeth with many fibers and support the teeth. In cases where the gums lose their health, a process that can lead to soft tissue loss, bone loss and tooth loss can be seen, respectively.

Are My Gums Healthy?

How do we understand that the gums are losing their health?
When the gums start to lose their health, they give us many clues. These are:

Swelling in the gums

Discoloration in the gums

Sensitivity in the gums and teeth

Bleeding gums during brushing

Bad breath

Gum recession

We can give many examples such as tartar accumulation.

Is it harmful to have tartar cleaned?
Tartars are unhealthy hard structures formed by the mineralization of food residues and microorganisms on the teeth over time. Having your tartar cleaned during routine dentist check-ups is definitely a healthy treatment method for your teeth and gums.

In patients with excessive tartar accumulation, gum recession becoming apparent after the tartar is cleaned, black triangular areas forming between the teeth and some mobility (tooth mobility) in the teeth are examples of natural situations that appear after the treatment process.

What is Flap Surgery?
In cases where curettage treatment is insufficient, intense gingivitis is widespread in the entire jaw and bone loss begins, the gum tissue is stripped from the bone to a certain extent in a controlled manner and all inflamed-necrotic soft and hard tissues are cleaned with special tools. This procedure is called flap surgery.

In patients who have flap surgery, gum recession becoming apparent, black triangular areas forming between the teeth and some mobility (tooth mobility) in the teeth are examples of natural situations that appear after the treatment process.

Gum Discoloration
Gum discoloration usually occurs in dark-skinned individuals and heavy smokers. These discolorations in the frontal regions can cause an unaesthetic appearance. These discolorations can be significantly eliminated with scalpel surgery or laser treatment. Depending on the patient's genetics and habits, discolorations may recur after treatment.

Apart from this, gum discolorations can occur for many different reasons and require a detailed anamnesis and clinical examination for a correct diagnosis.

Gummy Smile Treatment
My gums are too visible when I smile, is there a treatment?
Excessive gum visibility during lip movements is called 'gummy smile'. There is a step-by-step treatment process:

1) Cutting and correcting a part of the gums (gingivectomy-gingivoplasty)

2) If the result obtained is insufficient, there are two reversible and permanent treatment alternatives.

↳ a) Reversible treatment is performed by applying botox to the lip muscles.

↳ b) Permanent treatment requires surgical intervention to the soft tissues of the lips.

3) If the results obtained in the first two steps are insufficient, advanced surgical methods are used.

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