Bad Breath
What are the causes of bad breath?
The main causes of bad breath:
Tooth Decay
Inflamed gums
Additions on the tongue
Inflammatory conditions in the mouth
Food residues in the mouth
Poor oral hygiene
Edible foods
Some specific microorganisms in the mouth
Can bad breath be caused by conditions other than oral factors?
If the patient still has bad breath after eliminating the factors that may cause bad breath, this may be related to certain stomach, kidney, and liver disorders. In addition, in some patients, this condition may be due to psychological reasons.
What are the treatments for bad breath?
The main treatment for bad breath is good oral and dental health. First of all, all decayed teeth in the mouth should be treated, detailed gum care should be done, old dentures that have lost their fit should be replaced and all wisdom teeth that tend to retain food residue should be extracted. The patient may be recommended a new toothbrush and toothpaste. In addition, antiseptic mouthwashes can be used for a certain period of time. Additional products such as mouthwash can also be used if necessary.