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Implant Treatment

​Will I always walk around without teeth until new prosthetics are made?
Temporary prosthetics can be made for our patients depending on the suitability of the case.

Can implant treatment be done at any age?
Implant treatments can be successfully applied to every individual who has completed bone development (on average, individuals over the age of 18) as long as their general health condition allows.

The Importance of 3-Dimensional Imaging/Tomography
Panoramic radiographs taken during routine check-ups give us an idea in 2 dimensions (height and distance between two teeth), but due to certain magnifications (enlargements in the image due to the shooting technique) formed in panoramic radiographs, the measurements made do not always give absolutely accurate results.

In cases where there is sufficient bone tissue and a small number of implant surgeries will be performed, panoramic radiographs are usually sufficient. However, in cases where the amount of bone is suspicious and a large number of implant surgeries are required, tomography is requested from patients for a detailed 3-dimensional examination.

Immediate Implant (Placing an Implant in the Same Session Instead of an Extracted Tooth)
If there is no serious infection at the root tips of the tooth to be extracted and there is healthy bone tissue left after the extraction where the implant can be placed, implant treatment can be performed in the same session in the cavity of the extracted tooth. In cases where there is a large gap between the implant and the bone tissue, bone powders and membranes can be used. With this application, our patients gain approximately 3-4 months. If the case is not suitable, approximately 3-6 months should be waited for the extraction cavity to heal.

Zygoma Implant
It is a very special implant surgery method performed under general operating room conditions, with specially produced implants and support from the patients' zygomatic bones (cheekbones) in cases where there is almost no bone in the upper jaw and other implant surgical techniques cannot be applied.

Implant Treatment
What is implant treatment?
Implant treatment is the process of placing a titanium screw into the jawbone in the presence of a missing tooth in the mouth.

What is required for implant treatment to be applied?
In order for implant treatment to be applied, there must be a living, healthy bone tissue with sufficient height and width. If the bone is alive and healthy but there is insufficient bone tissue in height and/or width, additional surgical procedures must be performed in the relevant area beforehand.

What should I pay attention to after having an implant?
It is quite normal to experience pain that can be controlled with painkillers and swelling in the area where the implant was placed for a few days.

The first 3 days after the procedure:

No forceful rinsing or spitting

Any hot food and beverages should be avoided

No smoking or alcohol should be consumed.

Maximum attention should be paid to oral hygiene throughout the entire process.

What kind of process awaits me after having an implant?
After implant treatment, a period of time must be waited for the titanium screws placed in the jawbone to fuse with the jawbone. This period is 3-6 months on average for the upper jaw and 2-3 months for the lower jaw. After this period, the construction of new prostheses can begin.

Full Mouth Implant
This is a type of treatment applied to our patients who have no teeth in their upper and lower jaws. An average of 8 implants are required for the upper jaw and an average of 6 for the lower jaw. It is of great importance for the implants to be parallel to each other in 3 dimensions for the success of this treatment. After the osteointegration process (fusion process with the bone) of the implants, aesthetic and fixed coatings/prostheses are applied to our patients.

All On 4 / All On 5 / All On 6 Concept
This is an implant surgery technique that should be performed with special angles in cases where implant surgery is not possible due to the anatomical structures in the upper and lower jaws and in the posterior regions of the upper and lower jaws. It is a treatment applied by placing 4,5 or 6 implants at different angles for the upper and lower jaws depending on the case and the patient is given aesthetics with temporary prostheses immediately after the surgical session.

Seamless Implant Surgery
In cases where sufficient bone thickness is found as a result of clinical and radiological examinations (panoramic or tomography), a special tool called punch is used to remove a part of the soft tissue that is wide enough to be used for the implant. Implant surgery is performed from the removed part and the implant is closed with a gum healing screw. Thanks to this technique, excessive soft tissue is not scraped off the bone and there is no need for stitches after the procedure. Thus, the discomfort experienced by the patient after the procedure is minimized.

Surgical Guides / Guided Implant Surgery
Mostly in complex implant surgery cases (such as full mouth implant treatments, al on 4-5-6 treatments), to minimize angulation errors that may occur, to the patient's jaw bone is made using tomography and 3D painters specially produced materials are called surgical guides. Surgical guides, which can be used even in cases of single tooth deficiency, aim to shorten the duration of implant surgery and to apply implants in the closest position to the ideal within the jawbone.

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